Type rims.hu.edu.et on the browser search bar or RIMS , it will redirect you to the Homepage of RIMS, at the top right side, click on "Account" , then click on "Login", use your credintials to access the system.
Note: You should have an account, if not, you can use the self-registration process by clicking Register link on the Login page, or contact the nearest focal person to you or the RIMS Admin.
By clicking Forgot password? button on the Login page, you will be navigated to a new page, type your email address that was registered on the system, then click on "Reset Password" button, you will get your credintials on email.
Note: If you forget your email also, please contact the nearest focal person to you or the RIMS Admin.
First you have to login successfully, then at the top right side click on your name, then click on "Change password", Fill all the required information, then finally click on "Change Password" Button.
Note: Changing your password is recommended, but you have to rememer it on the next login. If you face any problem contact the RIMS Admin
You can change your email address as needed, it is recommended to use the active Á institutional email address, after successfully accessing your account, on the top right side, click on your name, from the options click on "Profile" , click on pencil icon "Edit" , edit the email address, finally click on "Save Changes" .
Note: When you type the email address make sure that you wrote correctly. If you got any problem contact the RIMS Admin.
When the call was announced, you will get a notification on RIMS, and also you will see it on the homepage or after you login, by clicking on the Directorates name.
Note: the call will be displayed untill the deadline.
If you have a user account, you can apply for an active calls, by clicking on the Directorate names, it may be alist of calls will be displayed, click on Apply Now button to apply for that call, the call's description will be displayed, you can also download the proposal format, and then click on Apply to start your application.
Note: You may need to login, researchers who have Masters Degree and above are allowed to apply, be sure about the Information recorded on the system, if the call is Gender based like Women-Disciplinary, there will be restrictions.
If you are facing any problem, please contact the nearest focal person or you can reach us with the options listed in on the Developers page.
When you click on Apply Now button, the list of Required application's content will be displayed, at the end of the list click on DOWNLOAD button.
Note: The Application content and proposal formats may vary according to call type, and the formats are prepared by the Directorates.