Hawassa University Research Information Management System (HU-RIMS)

HU-RIMS is an online platform that allows researchers to apply for active call(s), modify or renew their Proposal's contents and submit the application up to the given deadline.

Applications for Research, Technology Transfer, Community Service, Entrepreneurship & Technology Incubation and Collaborative Projects calls can be submitted online. The system provides an online blind proposal review, online Evaluation, online Invitations for Co-Researchers / Co-Principals, handling guest researchers & reviewers, and plagiarism checking are just some of the options available.

The review process is blind or double-blind to prevent bias, by allowing numerous reviewers(including guests) to assess the proposals.

The platform gives reviewers an access to their invited proposal(s) for assessment, as well as the ability to submit their online reviews at any time and from anywhere up until the deadline.

For proposals that have been granted, the PI can breakdown the released budget into each task, making it possible to keep track of how much budget has been spent and how each task has been completed. The principal investigator can also upload their progress and expense reports for management and auditing purposes. The focal person has access to the system and they can see the uploaded progress and expense reports, approve or reject, and download them.

The administrative entities will be able to manage related concerns using a centralized and integrated database provided by HU-RIMS.